Friday, September 30, 2011

9/29 Nightly Results and Tournament Rankings

Check the two lists below to see how your team placed last night, and how you are currently placing in the tournament. (Remember, top 3 places get a trophy).  Bookmark this page (or better yet, "like" us on facebook- the link is right there on this page) and check back next week for the magic item and theme.

Nightly Results:

1-No you can't have my ketchup-46
2-No glove no love-43
3-Fruit baskets-42
3-This team name sucks-42
5-Chewbaca’s grundle-40
5-The crazy ones-40
7-Just here for the beer-39
8-Captain geech and the shrimp shack shooters-27
9-Wild M.A.R.E.S. -25
10-My grundle is prettier than you-23
10-quizzed in my pants-23
10-Tebow’s lost memories-23
13-Cheers for beers and chandeliers-22
13-High on Tiger Blood-22
15-Gin and tonics make me randy-19
16-Freakishly large baby arm-18
16-Zaner Bloser sticks and balls-18
18-Don't know jack-16
18-Red hot trivia peppers-16
18-You wish you could be as bad as us-16
21-Color me bad-15
22-The cunning stunts-13
23-Sorry I'm Late-4

Top 25 Tournament Teams:
1-No, you can't have my ketchup-177
2-This Team Name Sucks-153
3-Chewbacca's Grundle-131

Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/29 Theme and Magic item

Hi ho everyone, I hope you are enjoying the cooling rain as we embark into another beautiful autumn in CNY!  I just got soaked on my way home tonight but it felt pretty good.

Enough about me and the weather though, let's get down to business...
This weeks theme is BIG CATS.  Calico's and tabby's are right out, I'm talking BIG cats.

Remember you can earn bonus points by BEATING BRIAN in a CHALLENGE OF YOUR CHOOSING!  Check the earlier post about challenges for guidelines, but feel free to get creative with it.
You can also get points by bringing in the MAGIC ITEM- this week it's a COMBINATION LOCK.  Not a digital combination lock, a physical one.  I have to put that out there.

Sign ups and challenges will BEGIN AT 7:30!  So get to Meghan's in time to earn those points and I'll see you in less than 24 hours!

Friday, September 23, 2011

9/22 results and tournament rankings

Check the two lists below to compare your teams performance last night and overall in the tournament.  Keep playing for nightly prizes and to win a case of beer and or trophies!
Also remember to think of some CHALLENGES, if you Beat Brian next week you'll get 2 points.  Your challenge, your rules- no reason not to give it a try!

Nightly Results:

1-No, you can't have my ketchup-46
2-The Wild M.A.R.E.S.-46
3-This Team Name Sucks-45
4-Red Hot Trivia Peppers-43
5-Chewbacca's Grundle-41
6-Don't Know Jack-39
6-Zaner Bloser Sticks and Balls-39
6-I Lost My Virginity When I Was…-39
6-Captain Geech and the shrimp Shack shooters-39
10-Gin & Tonics make Me Randy-37
11-3 Peckered Billygoat Cattle Ranchers-26
12-Just Here for the Beer-26
12-Sorry I'm late-26
14-Scooby Snacks-19
15-Freakishly large baby arm-13
15-Rosa Parks should have called Shotgun-13
17-No Glove, No Love-12

Tournament top 25 teams
1-No, you can't have my ketchup-131
2-This Team Name Sucks-111
3-Don't Know Jack-110

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/22 Theme and magic Item (and more!)

Good Day! I trust if you got this far that you are ready and excited for another evening of trivial entertainment!

The theme this week is ...CARTOONS! all kinds of cartoons are fair game...

The Magic Item is A WHEAT PENNY. You know what I am talking about, and yes, I only accept the tangible genuine article.  Bring on in to show me and get 2 points

*NEW BONUS POINTS!*  In a little segment I am calling "Beat Brian" I am accepting head to head challenges from players from 7:30-8:00.  If you can beat Brian you get 2 points for your team.  See the previous post for all the details on what makes a valid challenge.  Dream up some challenges and I'll take you on Thursday!

Get to Meghan's early for good seats and to challenge me!  Sign ups start at 7:30 now!

Friday, September 16, 2011

*NEW* Challenge the host!

Hey trivia players, beginning next week I am going to offer an additional 2 bonus points before we get started with trivia if you can beat me in a challenge of YOUR choosing!  Easy enough, right? I'll be getting to Meghan's at 7:30 to take on your challenges. The challenge can be almost anything but I do need to set some guidelines to keep it moving along and keep it (relatively) fair. 
  • It must be a head to head, one-on-one competition where there can only be one winner.
  • The winner must be undisputed.  (We can't be setting up panels of judges if your challenge is rhythmic gymnastics)
  • It should not take more than a minute or so to complete.  
  • While it does not have to be physical in nature, it can not be a challenge where you could easily rig it to guarantee victory (ie: trivia questions that come from you).
  • It must require some sort of acumen, ability or chance from both of us.  Comparing height, or things of that nature are not challenges.
  • It should not be inherently dangerous or illegal
In addition to these guidelines I will NOT drink more than one alcoholic beverage per challenge round per evening (I still have to function for trivia).  If your challenge demands that I drink alcohol, be aware that I may not accept the challenge that evening.

Your team gets one challenge to me per night.  If you win, you get 2 bonus points.  Once you win a challenge you may not continue to have that person use the same (or very similar) challenge in following weeks.  While an undisputed winner is desirable, if a tie situation occurs, the win will go to me since you have the clear upper hand in choosing the challenge.
BE CREATIVE!  HAVE FUN WITH THIS! I am really looking forward to what you come up with!

9/15 Results & Tournament rankings

Check the two lists below to see how your team did overall last night, and how you are stacking up in the tournament.  Remember to check back here Wednesday night (or Thursday morning) for next weeks theme and magic item! 

Nightly results:

1-Red Hot Trivia Peppers-43
2-No, you can't have my ketchup-42
3-USC sucks-41
3-Free the General Lee-41
5-Zaner Bloser Sticks and Balls-38
6-Don't Know Jack-35
7-Captain Geech and the shrimp shack shooters-26
8-The Wild M.A.R.E.S.-24
9-There's something about mary-23
10-This Team Name Sucks-22
11-Just Here for the Beer-20
11-Losing Blows-20
13-You Wish You Could Be as Awful as Us!-19
14-Chewbacca's Grundle-17
14-Freakishly large baby arm-17
16-3 Peckered Billygoat Cattle Ranchers-15
17-Gin & Tonics make Me Randy-14
17-Hermaphrodite Barbie: She comes in her own box-14
19-I Lost My Virginity When I Was…-10
20-Cheers for beers and chandeliers-5

Tournament Rankings (top 25 teams)
1-No, you can't have my ketchup-85
2-Don't Know Jack-71

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9/15 Theme and Magic Item

Good day to you sir or miss!  It's a great day for trivia, and I'm glad you feel the same way (or else why would you be here?)
This weeks theme is EXTREME SPORTS.  That's right, not the middle of the road sports, or the average sports, but the ones that are on the edge.

And the Magic Item, which will earn your team 2 bonus points if you can show me one is an ONONDAGA COUNTY LIBRARY CARD.   Bring in that little plastic pass ticket to knowledge and be ahead of the non-readers!  If you don't have one, what are you waiting for?  It's free!

Come by 8:00pm to sign up, get seated and order up those drinks.  Remember that buckets of Bud and Bud light are on special during trivia- only $12, and 25 cent wings all night too!  See you at Meghans!

Friday, September 9, 2011

9/8 Results

Check the list below to see how your team did overall last night at trivia, this list doubles as the tournament standings, since we started a NEW TOURNAMENT last night!  A case of beer and trophies are prizes for our outstanding weekly players in October, so keep playing!  Please "like" our page on Facebook.  There is a handy link on the left, just click it and you are done!

Nightly Results/Tournament Rankings
1-This Team Name Sucks-44
2-No, you can't have my ketchup-43
3-Fruit baskets-43
4-Seal Team Six Pack-41
5-Crazy Ones-39
6-Don't Know Jack-36
7-Chewbacca's Grundle-33
7-Blondie & Scrubbie-33
9-You Wish You Could Be as Awful as Us!-32
10-The Wild M.A.R.E.S.-21
11-Gin & Tonics make Me Randy-20
11-3 Peckered Billygoat Cattle Ranchers-20
13-I Lost My Virginity When I Was…-19
14-Zaner Bloser Sticks and Balls-16
14-No Glove, No Love-16
16-Red Hot Trivia Peppers-15
16-Crazy Bitches-15
19-Just Here for the Beer-13
21-The One Who Yells-9

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/8 Theme and Magic Item

Hola, como esta? Alright, I can't continue on in that language.  Thanks for clicking your way back to this site, it was a wise idea, so you may now be prepared for the killer trivia night we have in store for you on Thursday.

This weeks theme is GAME SHOWS.  Hey- trivia night is kind of like a real life, in person, (as yet) un-televised game show.  So you already know about this stuff.  Cool.

The Magic Item- which will earn you 2 bonus points for bringing in is A WIG!  Hooray wigs!  It's Wig night!  You only need one to get points, and you don't even have to wear it, but you know you all want to show up in wigs.  It can be a goofy wig or a serious wig, I don't care, but it must be a real wig, designed to be used as such.

We are starting a BRAND NEW TOURNAMENT TOO!  So make sure you are there so you don't fall behind.  Remember that Trivia starts at 8:00pm.  Tell your friends (seriously, don't let them forget), "like" us on facebook (theres a link right on this page)  and get there early for good seats.  There's no more State Fair, no SU game, no Yankees game, and no excuse to miss it!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

9/1 Nightly Results and Final Tournament Results

Check the two lists below to see how your team did tonight (first list) and in the tournament (second list).  Congratulations to our trivia tournament champs "Feel the Rhythm Feel the Rhyme, Get on Up It's Bobsled Time!"
...And YES TRIVIA WILL CONTINUE!  Next week we start a brand new tournament.  Check back here Wednesday night for new theme and magic item!

Nightly results 9/1

1-The Crazy ones-90
2-Illigitimate Sour patch Kids-74
3-Red Hot Trivia Peppers-73
4-The couch pulls out but I don't-70
5-Zaner Bloser Sticks + Balls-68
6-Feel the Rhythm, Feel the Rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time!-65
7-Don't know Jack-54
8-Fruit baskets-46
9-The Razzle Dazzlers of Fantazzmagazzles-34
10-Haaave you met Erin?-32
11-Please Daddy no, it's my birthday-30
12-The Opiates-28
13-3 Pack-20
13-White Meat-20
15-Nothing to Lose-18

Tournament Results:
1-Feel the Rhythm, Feel the Rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time!-291
2-Zaner Bloser Sticks + Balls-243
3-Haaave you met Erin?-227