Hola, como esta? Alright, I can't continue on in that language. Thanks for clicking your way back to this site, it was a wise idea, so you may now be prepared for the killer trivia night we have in store for you on Thursday.
This weeks theme is GAME SHOWS. Hey- trivia night is kind of like a real life, in person, (as yet) un-televised game show. So you already know about this stuff. Cool.
The Magic Item- which will earn you 2 bonus points for bringing in is A WIG! Hooray wigs! It's Wig night! You only need one to get points, and you don't even have to wear it, but you know you all want to show up in wigs. It can be a goofy wig or a serious wig, I don't care, but it must be a real wig, designed to be used as such.
We are starting a BRAND NEW TOURNAMENT TOO! So make sure you are there so you don't fall behind. Remember that Trivia starts at 8:00pm. Tell your friends (seriously, don't let them forget), "like" us on facebook (theres a link right on this page) and get there early for good seats. There's no more State Fair, no SU game, no Yankees game, and no excuse to miss it!
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