Did I mention it's TOTALLY FREE to play? Here are some other great reasons to play trivia:
- You could win prizes. Every night we give out $45 in gift certificates plus a bucket of beer. We also give out trophies and a case of beer to the winners of multi-week tournaments
- While the jury may still be out on the health benefits of drinking beer, the health benefits of exercising your brain are pretty universally acknowledged.
-Speaking of beer, buckets of Bud and Bud Light are on special during trivia and there are 25¢ wings all night
- Your friends need your help! Everyone is well versed on something. Maybe sports is your thing, maybe you know every song that ever charted, perhaps you are an engineer and math and science are second nature to you. Whatever your forté there is something for everyone.
- Trivia is fun! Going to the bar with friends is fun. Going to the bar with friends to play against everyone else in a friendly battle of knowledge is more fun. And don't worry it's a laid back atmosphere.
-You need to get out more. I'm sorry but it's true. Don't sit inside by yourself watching TV, go out and do something!