Friday, August 19, 2011

8/18 Nightly Results and Tournament Rankings

Hello good people, check the 2 lists below to see how your team stacked up against the others on Thursday night, and below that to see if you are in the top 25 teams of the tournament.  Two more weeks left of the tournament and the last week will be worth DOUBLE POINTS,  so play on players! Remember we have trophies for the first 3 teams and a case of beer for the champs!

Nightly Results for 8/18

1-Rumple Foreskin returns-43
2-Feel the Rhythm, Feel the Rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time!-42
3-Heart Shaped Tittles-41
4-Team 8 is a bunch of queers-40
5-Only a bunch of guys with small penises would over compensate with a really long team name-39
6-Fruit baskets-38
7-Know it Ales-35
8-Rosa Parks Never called shotgun-34
8-The Crazy ones-34
10-Haaave you met Erin?-26
11-Judean Peoples Front-23
12-Soft Serve Nese-18
13-Zaner Bloser Sticks + Balls-14
13-5 guys and a jew-14
15-No froggin Idea -13
15-Booze on first-13
17-Don't know Jack-10
17-Good vibrations-10
19-Red Hot Trivia Peppers-6
19-Erics Roommate-6
19-That's what she said-6
19-No glove, no love-6
23-Two Morons -4
24-White people problems-3

Top 25 Tournament teams:
1-Feel the Rhythm, Feel the Rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time!-181
2-Haaave you met Erin?-160
3-Soft Serve Nese-142
4-Zaner Bloser Sticks + Balls-139
5-Fruit baskets-129
6-Judean Peoples Front-114
7-Red Hot Trivia Peppers-98
8-Don't know Jack-84
10-Two Morons -82
11-Heart Shaped Tittles-77
12-No froggin Idea -73
13-Rosa Parks Never called shotgun-68
14-Just here for the beer-57
15-Rumple Foreskin returns-43
16-Pauly Walnuts-42
17-Team 8 is a bunch of queers-40
17-It's only gay if you push back-40
19-Only a bunch of guys with small penises would over compensate with a really long team name-39
19-My 401k blows more than my girlfriend-39
21-Crazy Ones-38
22-High on Tiger Blood-37
23-Robot Pets-36
23-The Farmer the Musician and the Nurse-36
25-Know it Ales-35
25-The Sexual Harassment Pandas-35
25-I've never been with a 10, but one night I was with 5 2's-35

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