Nightly Results for 2/23
1-George the animal Steele-42
2-Too many urkles on your team that's why you’re Winslow -42
3-The Pen 15 club-41
3-Periodic table dancers-41
5-Just here for the beer-40
6-The points don't matter just like the strippers name-39
7-On a scale of Casey Anthony to Jerry Sandusky, how much do you like kids?-38
7-Splinters Revenge-38
10-I'm a nate, You're a nate-37
11-Red Hot Trivia peppers-36
11-Poop Jardine-36
11-Cake or Death-36
11-Better late than pregnant-36
15-My Dixie Wrecked-35
15-The Drones-35
15-Five knuckle shuffle-35
15-And the answer is.. Greyhound-35
20-Don't know jack-34
20-Just here with queers-34
22-Bringing sexy back-33
23-I'm not a gynocologist but I'll take a look-31
24-A cubed plus E squared-30
25-John Denver Sucks-27
26-Sit on my wormwood-24
27-Scooby Snacks-21
28-Gin & Tonics make me randy-17
29-High on tiger blood-15
Top 25 teams in the tournament after week 3
1-Too Many Urkles on Your Team, That's Why You're Winslow-122
2-Periodic Table Dancers-120
3-Better Late Than Pregnant-116
4-Cake or Death?-114
5-The Points Don't Matter Just Like the Strippers Name-110
6-My Dixie Wrecked-107
8-On a scale of Casey Anthony to jarry Sandusky, how much do you like kids?-99
9-The Pen 15 Club-96
10-Red Hot Trivia Peppers-93
11-Don't Know Jack-88
12-Bringing Sexy back-84
13-Splinters Revenge-81
14-Gin & Tonics Make Me Randy-75
15-And the Answer is….Greyhound-74
16-Just Here For the Beer-72
17-I'm a Nate, You're a Nate-70
18-Scooby Snacks-61
19-Rosa Parks Should Have Called Shotgun-60
20-Sit On My Wormwood-57
21-I'm No Gynecologist, but I'll Take a Look-49
21-The Dusters-49
23-No Glove No Love-42
23-George the animal Steele-42
25-Sweaty Balloon Knots-38