Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6/30 Theme and magic item

Friends, Romans, Trivia players- come drink some beers!  Make sure you swing by to Meghan's this Thursday evening for the best trivia you'll play all week!

This weeks theme is SERIAL KILLERS.  Please don't bring your serial killer friends, you will be awarded no bonus points and will freak everyone out.  However you will get 2 bonus points for bringing...

the Magic Item!  Which this week is A PURPLE CRAYON (no need to bring Harold along though)

Remember sign ups start at 8:00pm.  Get there early for prime seating and delicious buckets of beer and wings.  See you Thursday!

Friday, June 24, 2011

6/23 Nightly Results and Tournament Rankings

See the two sets of results below, the first is a rundown of the results from 6/23 and below that are the tournament rankings (Remember, the winner in the tournament gets a case of beer and the top 3 teams get trophies!)

Nightly Results:
1-Quizzed in my pants-43
2-Booze on first-42
3-It's too damn hot for a penguin to be just walkin' around-41
4-Crazy ones-40
4-A7 Xtreme-40
6-Shnega Shne-39
7-The Fruit Baskets-38
8-The mean girls and double D-37
8-Pauly Walnuts-37
10-Water Balloon blaster-36
11-The farmer The musician and the nurse-33
12-Haaave you met Erin?-32

Thursday, June 23, 2011

6/23 Theme and Magic Item

Welcome to my page 'o' trivia once again (or for the first time perhaps)

You have, no doubt, come for the theme, which this week is MUSIC FROM 2000-2010  (Or I suppose it could be put 'music of the 2000's' but I wanted to be clear that I'm not including this years stuff)

The magic item, which will earn your team 2 bonus points if you can bring one in to show me, is a CHESS PIECE, it can be any piece on the board, but it must clearly be a 3D, authentic chess piece.

Remember that trivia begins at 8:00pm, get there early to get a good seat and take advantage of the drink specials!

Friday, June 17, 2011

6/16 Nightly Result and Tournament Rankings

See below for the nightly results of 6/16 and below that for the top 25 teams in the 7 week tournament- top 3 teams get trophies and the winner gets a case of beer!

Nightly results:
1-Quizzed in my pants-45
2-Just here for the beer-44
3-It's too damn hot for a penguin to be just walkin' around-42
4-It's only gay if you push back *-41
5-Haaave you met Erin?-38
6-Booze on first-37
7-Don't Know Jack-36
7-Two Morons-36
9-Dixie Normous-35
9-A7 Xtreme-35
11-Crouching woman hidden cucumber-28
12-Science nerds-25
13-Last Minute Morons-17
14-BWA AKA Schlaug-16
14-Flex Flexington-16
16-Butt Naked Boddhi Sattvas-15
17-We burn canucks-14

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6/16 Theme and Magic Item

Dear Sir or Miss,  please accept this blog post as a formal invitation to participate in a glorious game of trivia this Thursday eve.

This weeks theme will be NAKED CELEBRITIES, so have fun studying up for that!

The Magic Item, which will earn you 2 bonus points for bringing in, is SUNSCREEN. It needs to be in some kind of packaging though, you can't just tell me you have sunscreen on you, or show me some white cream in the palm of your hand.  I need labels, people!

Get to Meghans early and enjoy prime seating, drink and wing specials and the company of friends.  Trivia starts at 8:00pm- see you there!

Friday, June 10, 2011

6/9 Nightly Results and Tournament Rankings

Below are the scores for the night of 6/9.  Below that are the top 25 teams after week 2 of a 7 week tournament.  Don't forget to check back next Thursday to learn the theme and magic item!

Nightly results:
1-It's too damn hot for a penguin to be just walkin' around-42
2-Haaave you met Erin?-42
3-Quizzed in my pants-41
3-Hung like a church mouse-41
5-Crazy ones-40
6-BWA AKA Schlaug-37
7-Booze on first-36
8-The Fruit Baskets-34
9-The Tilted Uteruses-32
10-Dixie Normous-31
10-Team 16-31

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6/9 theme and magic item

Hello and thanks for stopping by ye olde trivia website once again for all your quiz winning needs!

This weeks theme is ADDICTIONS! You know those things people keep throwing interventions at your house for? Well, finally earn some points for all you've been through.

The Magic Item- which will earn you 2 bonus points if you can bring in the genuine article, is A DRINK TOKEN from any other bar except Meghan MacMurphy's.  Sorry that would be too easy.  (And the token must look like a drink token, and must have the bars name on it)

Remember that trivia starts at 8:00pm, get there early for prime seating and good food!

Friday, June 3, 2011

6/2 Nightly results and tournament scores

Below are the nightly results which are also double this week as the tournament rankings.  See how you did and come back next week to defend your honor!

Nightly Scores:

1-The Fruit Baskets-35
2-Persephone's first Pomegranate-33
3-Crazy ones-28
4-Booze on first-22
5-Quizzed in my pants-21
6-It's too damn hot for a penguin to be just walkin' around-20
7-Two Morons-18
9-Haaave you met Erin?-18
10-Fog Machines and Broken Dreams-18
11-A7 Xtreme-13
12-Dixie Normous-12
13-Don't Know Jack-10
14-Our couches pull out but we don't-8
15-BWA AKA Schlaug-8
16-Always Losers-7
17-2 boys and a girl-7
18-High on tiger blood-4
19-Soulmates Not homo--3

Thursday, June 2, 2011

6/2 Theme and Magic Item

Good day! Thanks for remembering that tonight is trivia night, and swinging by the site. You chose a good week for it too, since we are beginning a NEW tournament tonight!

This weeks theme is THE 1980's.  Remember that decade?  Sure you do.  Now earn some points for living through it.

The Magic Item this week, which will earn your team 2 bonus points if you show me it, is an UNUSED U.S. POSTAGE STAMP.  It needs to be the genuine article and needs to be unused!

Remember trivia begins at 8:00pm, get there early to get a good seat where you can hear the questions!